Saturday, April 16, 2016

MinBlogIsode - Episode 45 - The Art And The Artist

I try not to get to political when I write or record anything, but I felt after recent events it couldn't hurt.  So I attempt to work through the process, out loud, of why I am a political idealist and it sucks.  In the process I talk the inevitable tide of politically banked favors, money, and power that is our "Democratic" nominee, The Hillster.  And just why it makes me really disappointed.  Then in RANDOM CRAP(!) I schill for The Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets on Indiegogo, congratulate 'Hot Body' Dougie Little & La Randita Rojo on finding a casa, beg you to go to Roppongi Vice's bandcamp page and give them your money, give updates on the rest of the Podcasts, and do some reviews.  Listen or don't, I can only beg so much...

MinBlogIsode - Episode 45 - The Art And The Artist

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