Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Ringer Vs. Nurse Betty

* = If you don't Respect Neil Fallon's Beard, then I'm not sure you should be allowed to continue your existence. In fact if you can't respect Neil Fallon's Beard in a Storm Trooper costume doing the metal sign meme, then how are we even friends? HOW!?

I don’t have a ton of exciting stuff to really blog on this week. However I have watched and read a lot, so this will mainly be reviews. I know some of you don’t care, so I’m anticipating some check out, I mean c’mon would you rather read about crap I watched or me talk crazy? No one likes a ‘know-it-all’ whereas we all want to see the car wreck. So without further ado, allow me to bore you to tears with crap I read & watched.


The Daleks’ Master Plan (Infinite *’s out of 5)

This is a 12 part, 22 minutes per episode, extravaganza! For that many episodes I have to say it never really lags, with the exception of the bizarre Christmas Episode mid-serial, that doesn’t match the story or the tone of the rest of it at all. This is the follow-up to ‘Mission To The Unknown’ (aka The Dalek Cutaway). We finally find out that the Daleks are making sort of an Evil United Planets. In the process they are joined by Mavic Chen, supposed Guardian Of The Solar System, who really only wants POWER! Chen is a GREAT villain and really chews scenery with gusto every moment he’s on screen. If you aren’t anxiously awaiting his death by the end of this episode then you have no soul. So The Doctor, Steven, and Katarina (the new companion from the end of the Myth Makers episode) land on Kembel where they encounter a few ‘Space Agents’, including Bret Vyon, played by Nicholas Courtney who will go on to play the Doctor Who mainstay Brigadier General Alistair Lethbridge Stewart. He helps them get Steven off his death bed, meanwhile The Doctor fakes his way into this E-V-I-L council meeting. Once there he steals the power source to the Daleks ‘Time Destructor’ weapon. All together they escape Kembel in Chen’s ship, but are forced to land on the Prison Planet of Desperus, where they pick up an unwanted traveller. This leads to one of the most shocking moments I can remember on Doctor Who. This escaped prisoner takes Katarina hostage and escapers to the airlock and demands that the crew take him back to Kembel. As Vyon argues with The Doctor & Steven about ‘the life of one versus many’ Katarina activates the airlock and shoots herself and the prisoner out into space. There is a slow pull away shot of Katarina’s body floating through space, it IS SPOOKY! So Katarina was the first ever Companion to die. She died in a noble fashion, but also in a huge shock. I didn’t see that coming at all. Vyon, Stephen, & The Doctor rush back towards Earth to warn it’s people of Chen’s betrayal and of the Daleks. Once they get there they find out they are now ‘Enemies Of The State’. In the process Bret is killed by Sara Kingdom, the head of Chen’s security. She orders ‘shoot to kill’ for The Doctor & Steven. She eventually catches up with the duo who have trapped themselves in a strange room, little do all three know is that they’ve stumbled into an experimental long range transporter room. They are shot across the cosmos by the experiment and land on Myra, a planet with a nasty surprise. After awaking and disarming her Steven & The Doctor are able to convince Sara that Chen is ‘The Bad Guy’. They also find out that Bret was her brother. COLD BURN! So she killed her own brother at the behest of her political & pseudo-religious leader and has now found out he’s sold out the human race, at this moment I expected her to sort of break down. I was really wrong, Sara is a tough S.O.B., in fact she is the first female Companion who isn’t sort of a 60’s stereotypical ‘woman’. She’s a fighter, and a professional one at that. The Daleks are informed of where The Doctor is, and go to ambush him on Myra. Once there they find the residents of the Myra are invisible monsters. They occupy the Daleks while The Doctor and friends steal their ship and head back to Kembel. Steven helps The Doctor make a ‘fake’ weapons core for the ‘Time Destructor’ and almost kills himself powering it and sealing himself in a force field. This turns out to be fortuetous as his force field saves him when the Daleks attack. They get the ‘fake’ power core and The Doctor, Steven, & Sara escape in the TARDIS. The Daleks quickly follow in their own Time Ship. This is where we get the strange & dis-jointed Christmas Episode. After that bizare side treck The Doctor and pals escape to pre-history Earth and try to hide from the Daleks. There they run into the Meddling Monk! At about this moment I was officially squeeling with joy. The Daleks, The Meddling Monk (another Time Lord), the new villain in Mavic Chen, and a story that is cruising along I was in Doctor Who Heaven. So The Monk & The Doctor talk about how their last encounter went, but only after The Monk has screwed with the TARDIS. The Doctor and pals escape and follow The Monk to ancient Egypt. There we get Chen & the Daleks fighting Egyptians, forcing The Monk to help them, and The Doctor at his devious best. In the end The Doctor screws The Monk by making his TARDIS look & work (which means it doesn’t work like it’s supposed to) just like The Doctor’s, but in order to save Sara & Steven he had to hand over the real power core. The chase is back on as now it’s The Doctor & pals trying to catch up with Chen before he and the Daleks can activate the ‘Time Destructor’. From there the pace gets crazy as the Daleks betray their ‘Allies’, Chen fakes his death, and then returns to claim absolute rulership over the Daleks. They respond by ‘EXTERMINATING’ him. The Doctor activates the ‘Time Destructor’, since it keeps the Daleks from attacking, order Steven & Sara back to the TARDIS, and tries to stay alive long enough it back to the TARDIS & deactivate the weapon! The ‘Time Destructor’ ages everything around it rapidly making the jungles of Kembel begin to decay. The Doctor struggles through the decaying landscape. Sara goes back to help him, but as they almost reach the TARDIS the inevitable happens. Sara literally ages to death, eventually becoming dust. Steven rushes out and pulls The Doctor to the TARDIS as the Daleks close in. Even the Daleks are not immune and succumb in a cool sequence to the power of the ‘Time Destructor’. In the TARDIS The Doctor recovers and states they just need to wait for the ‘Time Destructors’ power to run out. Eventually it does, but by then the surviving Daleks have fled, the persuing Daleks are dead, and the planet is an uninhabitable wasteland. WHEW! This was an incredible series. It’s like four and a half hours of craziness that never lets up, with the exception of the Christmas Episode in the middle. As far as Classic Who goes this is, so far, my favorite episode.

The Massacre Of St. Bartholomew’s Eve (*** out of 5)

Let’s be honest here, you can’t follow up The Daleks’ Master Plan with anything that will compare. It’s just to good. It should have been a season ending rather than in the middle of a season. Additionally, if I was The Doctor WHY would I ever go back to France? The last time he was there he was almost beheaded. Suffice to say this isn’t much different. He and Steven land smack dab in the middle of the theological conflagaration between the Hugoenots & the Catholics. This one is entirely ‘reconstruction’, it’s full of court intrigue, The Doctor is absent for an entire episode, and it is a DOWNER of an ending so my review will be short. It’s not a bad episode, it’s just that it comes after such an amazing one. What I really took away from it was that The Doctor can be a stone cold bastard when he needs to be, as he leaves Steven’s friends, including the young gal who BEGS to go with, to die at the hands of the Catholic mob. He basically gives the “you can’t change history” speech, but at this point Steven has had enough. He chews The Doctor a new asshole and demands to be dropped off at their next destination. They really had me here. I thought Steven was done, and I LOVED the two speeches here with The Doctor defending his position and Steven blasting him on his calous nature and of their recent losses. In the end though Steven comes back, and just in time as when they land on Earth a young lady stumbles into the TARDIS looking for help. She, Steven, & The Doctor fumble off into space & time. We find out that she may be the ancestor of the young lady from France that Steven couldn’t save. So we get a bit of a forced happy ending. Again I have to state this isn’t a bad episode, it’s just lost in the wake of the one before it.

The Ark (*** ½ out of 5)

The Doctor, Steven, & Dorothea, who wants to be called Dodo, land inside a jungle. However it turns out this jungle is actually inside a massive space ship filled with the last survivors of Earth as well as another race the bizarre looking Monoids. The two races are working together to travel to a new inhabitibal world that is 700 years away. The first two parts of this episode deal with The Doctor and pals discovering that they’ve accidentally poisoned both the Humans and the Monoids with the common cold. Of course there is a trial, and yadda, yadda, yadda The Doctor saves the day. This in itself is decent, but the follow-up two episodes really make this episode special by having The Doctor & pals follow-up trip be 700 years into the future but landing on the same ship! In the time since their last visit the Monoids have assumed absolute control of the ship and the Humans are a slave caste. They finally reach there destination and find out that the inhabitants are bodiless energy who WANT new living beings on their planet, but only if they are peaceful. The Monoids have no intentions of even letting the Humans off the Ark as they’ve left a fission bomb inside a statue to destroy the vessel and all the Humans on it. Of course there plan is thwarted, but only after there is a Monoid ‘civil war’ on the planet & the Energy Beings force the statue of the Ark. In the end the remaining Humans & Monoids are forced to live in peace or be destroyed by the benevolent Energy Beings. I liked this episode, the premise was fantastic, the Monoids were goofy & yet creepy, there was solid action, and the resolution was nice. However, the reason I didn’t rate it higher was that The Doctor really seemed like a passanger in his own adventure here. Steven was physically ineffective, and Dodo is just sort of ‘meh’, I mean let's be honest she's no Susan or even Vicki, for me right now after we lost the Awesome Sauce that was Sara. Next up is the Celestial Toymaker, who I know has made a few issues for the Modern Doctor & Sarah Jane Smith.

Looking at that, THAT is a LOT of Doctor Who. You’d wonder how I’d have time for anything else. I do and I did. I also finished the book Mordenheim (**** out of 5) by Chet Williamson which covers the D&D Ravenloft world’s version of Doctor Frankenstien.
I’ll keep this brief since I’m sort of starting a jittery coffee induced freak out. The book is good. It’s actually damn good after the first half. Once we get into Mordenheim & Adam both telling their sides of the ‘story’ the book really takes off as both are sympathetic in their own light, while both are repugnant to anyone with a moral compass. I liked the two lead characters for what they were. The Barbarian & his affliction was interesting, but seemed to serve the plot more than the character. I really loved the ending. A bitter comeupance and illustration of what Ravenloft means to me. See, in this campaign setting you never win. Even a large victory is pyrihic at best, as it’s saddled with sorrow or disappointment. I’ve started another Ravenloft book, ‘The Dance Of The Dead’, and thus far it’s intriguing. I’m hoping to find the next book that deals with Mordenheim & his Monster, ‘Adam’. In the meantime this has given me a bit of fodder to continue the slow crawl towards finishing my D&D Adventure System ‘Module’ Domains Of Dread: Lamordia dealing with these two antagonists.

It’s another week so that means more Pathfinder Rise Of The Runelords Minis PREVIEWS!
First up is Aldern Foxglove. He’s a NPC in the Adventure Path, a bit of a handsome dandy, who had a way with the ladies. As for the mini I really like it. The colors are perfect, big bold blue and gold. The cane gives you an interesting option for a ‘cane sword’ for perhaps a ‘bad guy’ in a campaign. I even really like the pose, with the one hand behind the back. I hope that he has a smirk on his face, from this picture I can’t quiet tell. Overall it’s a great mini, the problem is it’s a Rare, so unless it’s cheap I most likely will be passing.

The Skinsaw Man
is up next. Intriguing how it’s outfit looks similar to Aldern Foxglove isn’t it? Foreshadowing or coincidence? Anywho, I love the colors again, they come off as regal. On top of that the blood spatters all over the front it spectacular, really giving it a grisley look. The details are sort of poor in this size of photo, but it looks like they did get the long nasty tongue in there, and if my eyes aren’t completely ineffectual it looks like he’s holding a severed arm! If that’s true, then kudos Wizkids, KUDOS!
In Lucretia you have another mini that is duel purpose. It’s great for village filler, but if you’re playing the actual adventure then it’s very important for the second half of The Hook Mountain Massacre. Is it me or does the goblet look ‘blobby’? I’m not sure they’ve really got a handle on the lithe ‘beauty’ of the original art work for this character, but it’s not bad. In fact for a pre-paint in a non-action pose it’s nice. I like the color. Again as with these other ‘named’ characters it’s a Rare, which means it’ll either be a no purchase or a future purpose for me.
Last one this week is the Lamia Matriarch. This one is a BIG baddie, and if you know the story directly connected to the previous mini. The thing about it is, in my games I don’t use the Lamia in this form, that’s a Pathfinder thing. However it would be PERFECT as a Yuan-Ti or even as some sort of Demonspawn, possibly a half-breed daughter of a Maralith. Again, I wish the picture showed me a little more facial detail, but if they can keep up the level of facial quality on humanoid faces that they had in the previous sets then I feel that I’ll be getting my money’s worth. Now I’m not sure if this is a ‘Must Purchase’ for me. It’s nice, and fits a potential need, but again I’m basing a lot of my Pathfinder purchasing off of cost.

Overall I really like how the set is shaping up as well as what appears to be a strong partnership and commitment to quality that Paizo & Wizkids have. I’m just curious if we’ll be getting any Inbred Ogres from this set. I think if we don’t then it’s a missed opportunity, as well as a TREMENDOUS let down for me, since I think my PC’s will eventually be heading back to Moma’s homestead to get bloody retribution.

In Fake Sports News, I’m back to my Dynasty on NCAA College Football 2007. I played three games the other day and won each handily including a win at #3 West Virgina where I trailed at the half. I have to say the fact that both my player & Pat J., my Left Tackle keep getting into trouble with the NCAA is pissing me off. I missed three games during a NCAA investigation, & Pat missed one. Sure I won all those games, but they were much tighter than they needed to be. For one Dave, my Middle Linebacker, has been ineffective as teams are now attacking me over the middle with spread offenses. West Virgina, Missouri, & Balor all used a TON of crossing patterns, wide receiver screens, and draws to really put my freshman & sophmore heavy defense on it’s heels.

The good news for my defense is that Ant J. off the edge is a HOLY TERROR! If he’s not getting a sack, he’s getting a pressure, and he’s solid against the run. Basically he shuts down the left side of the field when it comes to sweeps, option, and off tackle plays. On offense Mighty Mike became my go to guy, ERUPTING for record breaking yardage and receiving numbers. He’s now the number one contender for the Heisman Trophy. It’s also helped that my weak side, freshman TE, who had to start when I was suspended, on the strong side, is a pass catching machine, and the other freshman wide out, who was a Blue Chip prospect, has come into his own. I now have an extremely dangerous passing attack. Unfortunately my Offensive Line is littered with injuries, and I’m young so my running game has suffered. Joe K. has become a ‘three yards and a cloud of dust’ type of bruising back, while the other back he splits time with is now the change of pace threat. The worst news is my starting Quarterback, my brother Sean, is on the shelf for 2 more weeks with a deep elbow bruise. I have been baffled though by how well my back-up, who is a slow footed pocket passer, has played. I went from having a strong-armed multi-threat quarterback to a big, slow, but insanely accurate freshman at the helm. It’s hurt my run game, and therefor my ability to grind out wins and get shut outs, but at the same time I can easily score quickly and in bunches as long as my Defense gets stops. The nasty part of my Conference Schedule is coming up with a trip to ranked Texas A&M, top ten ranked Colorado at home, and a trip to #5 Nebraska. If I can get through the first two relatively unscathed I’m confident that I’ll be healthy going into Nebraska which will be the first in a trifecta of season changing games. If I win there I have two easy games and then the Big Twelve title game, and most likely the National Championship Game against potentially Ohio State. Yes, I’m a giant nerd.

You know even when I say it’s going to be short it just goes on, and on, and on, and on utnil all that’s left is…


- Last night was Twin Peaks Tuesday, and I watched S01E01 (DDDD out of 5D’s). I’m officially roped in. This episode had a lot less of the characters I’m disinterested in like Laura’s mother. It did however have an EPIC moment with Bobby’s dad, which made me totally love that guy! Which says a lot because even though Bobby is an evil S.O.B. I dig his weird, jock beatnik thing. Oh and Dave, I get it now. You are Doctor Jacoby.
- Watching Dave watching The Daily Show last night was awesome. It’s always nice to be able to give a pal some comedy joy.
- Knowing that Mizzou was denied a chance to win the Big Twelve one last time before they exit to the SEC like the lilly bellied cowards they are was sweet. Knowing that they had a 19 point lead on KU at Lawrence, and BLEW IT, is sweeter. Knowing that losing in overtime to a team you’re ranked in front of for the regular season Big Twelve Title is SWEETEST. F’ you Missouri, and while your at it you can take Colorado & Texas A&M with you. WE DON’T NEED YOU! On a positive note, I hope you watched long and hard TCU & West Virgina, because although you might whup KU’s ass in football for the next few years, until Charlie “I ate a baby” Wiesz gets that program up to snuff, your asses are going to get OWNED in basketball. And as for the whiners who want KU to continue to play Mizzou in The Border War even though they LEFT the conference, F’ You. Maybe if these teams hadn’t fled the Big Twelve for money I’d feel different, but since they did they don’t deserve to play the teams in the conference. Not to mention if your Mizzou why would you want to guarenteed loss ever season? ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!
- The tax return was the best we’ve ever gotten. It means barring a disaster the basement will be done this year!
- Holy crap is R.G.III fast! He's got an amazing arm, he's accurate, he can run, he's smart, and he's a hell of a leader. I think in ten years this draft will be remembered for not just one great Quarterback, Andrew Luck, but TWO!
- I received Justice League: Doom from my lovely wife for Valentine’s Day. I haven’t watched it yet, but it’s on the docket this week. It looks solid, the reviews are good, and it has both members of the League I’m interested in, like Cyborg, but also some villains that I look forward to seeing in this animated format like Vandal Savage. Not to mention I really enjoy the work it’s based on, Mark Waid’s ‘Tower Of Babel’ story.
- Ant & I had Asian House on Saturday, and it was blissful.
- If we go to Kansas this year I might see if some of my ‘Old School’ Peeps might want to get together and play a nostalgic game of D&D.
- That snow is FRIGGIN’ heavy!
- I watched the new trailer for The Avengers today, sans sound because the computer here at the place that pays me is atrocious. It looks pretty B.A. I have to admit though that I’ll be even more sold once I can hear what people are saying. On a nit picky note Cap’s costume looks lame as opposed to the one from the Captain America movie. As a balance to that was The Hulk looking Incredible chasing Black Widow and saving Iron Man’s ass. This could be the movie that makes me feel like I’m 10 again.
- On another movie note I read a review of John Carter that called it ‘this generation’s Star Wars’. I’m sure that’s hyperbole, but either way I MUST see this in the theatre. I think it looks spectacular.
- The new Fairly Secret Army tune, an ode to Neil Fallon of Clutch, is going to be F’ing amazing.
- Monday I made a chili out of ground turkey, andouille sausage, & black beans. It’s our meal for Friday. I’ve tasted it and I’m surprised at how mellow and yet flavorful it is. I love the idea of chili being a culinary vehicle to make of what you will. Wow, that sounded ridiculously pretentious.
- Tonight is Video Game Night, and my wife has chosen to go with Baldur’s Gate. I’m thinking an hour or so is good enough. I can’t tell you how excited I am to play this with her.

My lord am I long winded…

"I got no problems with vegans. Let's be clear on that. But have you ever met someone who has concocted his or her own convenient first-world philosophy? Cherry picked all those bits of radicalism that appealed to them and threw out the ugly bits? Someone who thinks they're enlightened but are really jut a victim of the own peer driven self-congratulatory bullshit? I have. There's lots of those types in Washington D.C.

How's that hardcore fanzine? Still take the piss?
Y and T got records, demos on cassette.
Summer of the seven inch. Too cool for school.
Manifestos at Kinko's, pinko commies play no fools.
I feel the spirit moving over me.
There are clouds beneath my feet.
When vegans attack on ten speed bikes.
Tattoos with meaning, American Spirit Lights.
It's hard to smoke 'em when you got to be runnin'
Congressional and D.C.P.D.
Lafayette Park undercovers,
The saddest sight you ever see, ever see.
Tear gas electric! You know I can't quit this riot.
Strictly professional insurrectionist kid, and I can't deny it.
I feel the spirit moving over me.
There are clouds beneath my feet.
When vegans attack on ten speed bikes.
Tattoos with meaning, American Spirit Lights .
Freshmen in fatigues. You know he's fighting for his right.
Copious note taker. American Spirit Lights.
I feel the spirit moving over me.
I feel the spirit moving over me.
There are clouds beneath my feet.
When vegans attack on ten speed bikes.
Tattoos with meaning, American Spirit Lights .
Freshmen in fatigues. You know he's fighting for his right.
Copious note taker. American Spirit Lights.”

* = That's for you Dave. And maybe me...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Flashdance Vs. In It To Win It

* = Yes David, I know. It's a perfect re-make for you...

The basement chair will not grow around my ass. No matter how much time I spend on my computer chair in my basement, especially post-Dance Movie-A-Thon, it is virtually impossible for the wood of the chair to fuse to my copious, and fine might I add behind. I'm not overly sure why I engage in this endeavor of stream of consciousness writing, I think it serves as a cathartic way of dealing with all the B.S. that most of us just swallow down on a daily basis.

You know the displeasure of being cut off on the commute, the idea of cow towing to someone who you KNOW couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with both hands and a road map, or maybe it's just that sense of being alone even when all together. It's a weird thing, but I find that after ingesting copious amounts of 'spirits' and watching three horrendously wonderful dance movies in a room full of people you find yourself lucky enough to call friends, and one you are fortunate enough to call 'wife' you get a little nostalgic.

I'm not even sure what to be nostalgic about. Maybe the 'Streets'? You know where I used to dwell and 'make shit hot'? However I'm not sure I ever made anything hot. It's even funnier to know that while I watched my over tired wife turn 'gang signs' into the 'metal sign' in my office while she laughs manically. There is nothing wrong with that. It's full filling. It makes life worthwhile.

However it's just not enough. It's weird to say this, or write it because you know me actually saying this to someone requires way more BALLZ then I actually possess, which is saying a lot, as many of you who have bared witness to the might of scrotum know. I think I long for offspring.

I know, it's weird to say that after setting through Flashdance, but I think I'm ready for a little 'us'. Really ready. Seriously. You know something of me and Cassandra, that will invariably have all the shitty traits I exhibit on a daily basis as well as all my love of all things Nerdy. It'll be beautiful, smart, organized, and talented like my lovely Wife, but it'll be driven, introspective, and fundamentally 'other' like myself. It's a perfect combination. For some reason I look forward to the idea of having a little one that I can show all the wonders that lurk behind the Great & Secret Show's curtain.

I mean who else am I going to play games with, watch Old School Doctor Who with, or pass on my obsessive love about Jack Kirby with? I mean sure I can do this with Dave, Mike, Ant, or Cassandra, but it just isn't the same.

It's been a little over a year since my father died. I think I'm finally ready to assume the mantle as "The Fazer" and get onto the 'bidniz' of making business. Oh and for those asking, I WILL be wearing Business Socks...

See that wasn't that difficult.


- Having heard The Fairly Secret Army's "Freebird" song, I must say I am thoroughly blown away. Dave, if your reading, it's a masterpiece. Even though I didn't show it, I was moved by it. Moved, my friend.
- My wrist hurts, and it isn't even from 'self-exploration', so I'm disappointed.
- While pounding down 'The Lee' in copious amounts I had to transition to Brandy & Cranberry pop. It was was surprisingly good, not amazing, but very 'tatty'.
- Nothing beats a Butter Burger...NOTHING.
- If you haven't taken the time to seek out Graveyard's 'Hising Blues' I do truly feel sorry for you, because you are F'N LAME.
- It sounds like the March Movie-A-Thon will be Rappers Turned Actors. The line-up is sounding EPIC!
- I know I am the only one, but I love 'Meat Sauce Robot'. Others may not see the inherent humor, but that's because they lack a soul.
- Dave, you should do more 'country' songs. OH and a F'Ning dirty Soul song. I'm talkin' dance move dirty.
- We're diggn' on not having to shovel. DIG IT!

I'm fundamentally convinced that deep thoughts and copious amounts of alcohol DO MIX!

"A sword of fire and an axe of cold
Vision of the Sibyl has foretold
Armies gather on the battle-plain
All will fall and earth will die in flame

Here on the battle-plain
We will die in flame

In falcon's feathers soaring overhead
Choosing warriors among the dead
Twilight written in the runes of crones
Freya weeps upon her golden throne

Upon her golden throne
We wait for her alone
Call us unto you hall
Take us into your thrall

The battle rages, but they fight in vain
When all is done it must begin again"

* = Good night sweet Swanson, GOOD NIGHT!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fire Walk With Me Vs. Hairspray

* = This explains a lot, however what do we do now with Macho Man tag teaming with Jesus in Heaven with the Mayan Calender telling it's The End?

Tonight my lovely wife and I take our now planned weekly foray into Co-Op Video Games. So far the potential games on the docket are; Champions Of Norath, D&D Heroes, Baldur’s Gate I, Baldur’s Gate II, Justice League, X-Men Legends I, X-Men Legends II, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, & Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel. I’m sort of hoping we hit up a fantasy ‘crawler’, but with any of these choices I can’t loose. The fact is I’ll be hanging out with my best friend killin’ stuff & collectin’ mad loot, it’s an EPIC WIN for me.

I do have to admit that after shoveling last night I am not at all sad that winter has thus far been timid. The driveway was SO slick beneath the wet, heavy snow that shoveling was extremely taxing. Throw in the plummeting temperature, the knowledge that I had to cook, and the fact we were ‘plowed in’ by the time we arrived home from a long day and you have a recipe for disaster. However we persevered and got that sheezy done. I do have to toot my own horn and admit the Cajun Chicken Alfredo I threw together last night was pretty amazing. The best part was knowing how much Cassandra enjoyed it. I sometimes forget the joy that comes out of cooking for someone. To see them light up when you’ve made them something they love, and when the thing you made is as good as you thought it could be, it all comes together in something magical. I can’t wait for the weather to improve a bit and then I’m going to grill like it’s the end of the world. Well at least according to the Mayans.

I’ve gotten two minis, which weren’t even that small, done this week. Tonight and tomorrow I want to get a few more done. I picked up some a few new brushes to help with the detail work. I just need to buckle down knock them out. It shouldn’t be difficult I only have a couple hundred that are partially finished. In fact I think I’ll just knock a few easy ‘angry natives’ out tonight just to keep pace.

The main event of this blog is the fact that I watched the first episode of Twin Peaks last night. I’ve been internally debating how to grade these out, since I’m going to refrain from giving any * ratings until I’ve finished the show. However I wanted to be able to articulate what I think as I go. So I’ve decided to rate them on the David, or ‘D’/’d’, Scale. Five ‘D’s is the equivalent of having your mind blown by getting an e-mail containing one of your best friends doing a Macho Man Randy Savage promo, in full costume, in his bathroom. One ‘D’ is the equivalent of being verbally slammed on a Podcast. So now that the scale is explained on to the episode, Twin Peaks S01E01 (DDD ½ out of 5D’s). We watched this ‘Pilot’ back in the day at a David Lynch-A-Thon. Cassandra and I were sort of harsh from music to acting, to the story. I think we might have been tired, or might have been a little ‘burned’ out on the idea of Twin Peaks as David and Mike like to routinely pummel you with it’s ‘greatness’. I have to say though after sitting down and re-watching the first episode with a fresh and intrigued attitude I was hard pressed to stop after one. The first episode lays down a myriad of plot hooks and memorable characters in a scatter shot way. I wasn’t interested in every character; in fact a few were very boring or disturbing to look at like Laura Palmer’s mom who looks like Kurtwood Smith in drag. That being said that was the minority of the show, for the most part I was incredibly intrigued and dragged into the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer. I would be remiss to not comment on how much more intriguing I found the way the episode was shot the second time around. In my experience Lynch has this way of making you feel uncomfortable without trying to shock you. The shots will linger on odd objects, the music is distinct, and there is a mood of underlying menace that he seems to exude in his work. I like the idea of small idyllic towns with dark and dangerous underbellies slowly rotting them from the core out. I know before I commented that it felt like a high-end soap opera, and it does, but it feels like a soap opera that I want to watch. So after one foray into the land of the Douglas Firs and the fleeing Swedes I eagerly await next Tuesday night’s return to Twin Peaks.


- I enjoyed Twin Peaks so much that my proposed Call Of Cthulhu four-part adventure might be taking from it liberally.
- If you had to choose between Kenkus & Myconoids who would you choose? When it comes to my home D&D setting I’m looking at Kenkus as thieves. They love shiny things, they love things they shouldn’t have, but they aren’t a menace. They usually aren’t looking to sacrifice someone to Tharizdun or some other evil thing. However they do have a small contingent within their ‘Murders’ that worship Pazuzu, the Demon Prince Of Air. They usually will offer sacrifices to their master in the Abyss, usually the hair of a victim before throwing them off the ledge of a chasm to their death in order to be granted minor ‘Wishes’ by Pazuzu. I want to re-iterate that most Kenkus do not worship Pazuzu, most just like to steal shiny baubles.

As for the fungal Myconoids they simply want to continue to ‘grow’ their colony. They replicate and spread slowly, learning and adapting to the area and the inhabitants around them. They are relatively peaceful and shy when it comes to contact with other races avoiding them if possible. They dwell in the places between civilizations colonizing caves, mountains, and moving into the Underdark where they seek to establish something of 'Homeland'. However just like the Kenku a faction of the Myconoids worship Zuggtmoy, the Demon Princess of Fungus. They wish for a slow ‘conversion’ to fungi for all living beings only then can they know the loving embrace of the Mistress Of Spores. They continually hunt for the Cauldron of Corruption; an ancient artifact thougth destroyed during the Dawn War that is a potential petri dish of world wide fungal plague.

- I sort of like the idea of occasionally dropping some homebrew takes on certain D&D races in on the blog. I know a few of my player’s read this, what do you guys think?
- We’ve sort of become enthralled with the American version of Being Human. It’s not as good, well to me at least as the BBC version, but it’s gotten very intriguing. I do have to say though I wish the writers would get off the crapping on the Josh character. I thought that his counterpart werewolf on the BBC series, George, became WAY more interesting once we found out just how dangerous ‘The Wolf’ inside him was, not to mention his almost futile attempts at building a ‘normal life’ with his girl Nina. On the American version Josh is just shat upon over and over, and his ‘girlNora is about s unlikable as unlikable gets. Otherwise I don’t mind the American versions that much. I do like how there is a bit more of an overall view of the world these folks live in, as well as the consequences. On the British version the vampire Mitchell is a BADASS, sure he’s tortured and basically an analogy for a drug addict, but he’s also scary and most vampires are TERRIFIED of him. On the American version his counterpart Aiden is more of a mid-level functionary in the Vampire World, sure he’s still dealing with his guilt and his addiction, but he has to answer to someone rather than running the show. As for the comparison of the two Ghost characters, Annie & Sally I find them to be the most similar, and really sort of the glue that holds the shows together. While I again feel it’s not as good as the British original the American version is growing on us.

I think that’s good enough for today…

”Hey! Looks like an emergency
Well thats ok with me 'cos I wanna tell you in this elevator
Looks like you're my baby now
So put away that thing 'cos my baby don't need no vibrator

I'm sure...I'm the one you're looking for
I'm sure....I'm sure you've heard it all before
I care...but I don't care anymore
I'm sorry...but I don't know what I'm sorry for

She don't, she don't, she don't need no vibrator
She don't, she don't, she don't need no vibrator
She don't, she don't, she don't need no electric entertainer tonight investigator

Hey... now the doors are opening
and I look like a jerk while you're grinning like an Alligator
Can't we just forget the whole thing
Shake each others hands and say goodbye baby see you later

She don't, she don't, she don't need no vibrator
She don't, she don't, she don't need no vibrator
She don't, she don't, she don't need no artificial stimulator non-organic excavator

She don't, she don't, she don't need no vibrator
She don't, she don't, she don't need no vibrator
She don't, she don't, she don't need no electric entertainer tonight investigator

Hey... She don't, she don't, she don't
Hey... She don't, she don't, she don't
Hey... She dies, she dies, she dies
Hey... She dies, she dies, she dies

So I will see you later”

* = For some strange reason I love creepy Memes...

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Bodyguard Vs. The Rookie

* = This 'Norris Face' will keep me up at night, and not because I'm masturbating...

This weekend I was really productive. Shocking, I know. I had the opportunity Saturday morning to hammer out a crap ton of Encounter Cards for the D&D Adventure System. The goal is to knock out 52 of these bad boys to have a ‘genericEncounter Deck that isn’t quiet as nasty as the Decks we get with the three games. I don’t mind the Encounters by and large, but they have a way of taking away from the game rather than adding to it in a lot of ways. I want them to be involved, but not as debilitating. So I’ve tried to come up with concepts that keep a ‘genericD&D flavor that don’t destroy you in-game. I’ve already done some revisions and even knocked out the suggested revisions for my Ally Card version of John Roger’s D&D Comic characters.
I think the Fell’s Five characters turned out really well. A few of the blokes on the Board Game Geek web site are talking about doing full blown Hero Kits for these five, and I really hope they do, but for now I’m extremely happy to be able to put them in my next Deck after Pathfinder & Dragon’s Tears. That’s right I’m already planning my next Monster Card Decks; Points Of Light (this one will have the Fell’s Five crew in it) & The Jade Isles (an Asian themed deck). It’s ambitious, and I hope to continue to get assistance with them, but either way I’ve got plans at least this far out, and that doesn’t even include the next Pathfinder’s mini set.

We also ran a TON of errands on Saturday. We hit up a few shopping destinations as well as two Half-Priced Books since we had a 40% off coupon. I was able to secure some Ravenloft books I’d been looking for at about a $1 a shot, and used my coupons to get a couple DC Showcases & a Marvel Essentials for less than $5 a piece. It was crazy. I now have some Metal Men, Booster Gold, & Werewolf By Night reading to do.

Sunday we had plans, this was the main onus for the serious cleaning we did Saturday night, but things didn’t work out. So we had a lot of time on Sunday. I was able to finish painting some minis last week as well. I was lucky enough to convince my lovely wife to help me finish them with the DIP. I am, by and large happy with the way they turned out, with just a few ‘drip’ issues. I think I might have fixed them last night, or at least made them bearable. I finished 6 Trolls, including three HUGE guys with different paint jobs. The other three Trolls are from two different D&D board games. I think overall the Trolls all turned out tremendously. There were like three Adventurer types, and the wash really made the difference in how they turned out. I finished a cannon, a nasty looking Ogre-Kin, a Warhammer Fantasy Ogre that I’m using as a Hill Giant, a Barghest, a giant Spider, two massive Hobgoblins, a crazy looking Wizard all in white, a Half-Giant Gladiator made from a re-painted Gladiator Hulk, two columns, a couple Warhammer Fantasy Orks that will be Tanarukks, and a goblin. I think that’s about it. This week I’m going to make a run on trying to complete ten minis, and keep that pace. With the weather being what it is, and the sheer amount of half finished minis I have that’s not that unrealistic of a goal.

It was crazy that it was nice enough to not only go out and use the DIP, but also to grill. We were able to grill up some chicken, some burgers for the INSANE chili that Cassandra made last night, and some different hot dogs and turkey sausages. We will eat like summer time royalty this week as the sloppy snow falls. I have to admit that this Winter has been ‘soft’ and I’ve enjoyed it, but more than anything I’ve enjoyed the ability it’s afforded us to continue to be outside and cook. With the chicken we went Cajun seasoning, so sometime this week my lovely wife will be getting a Cajun Chicken Alfredo.

With all this getting done you’ll be shocked to know that I got back on my Doctor Whohorse’ and finished some more episodes;
- Galaxy Four S03E01 (*** ½ out of 5) Now the thing is with a lot of these super old Who episodes from the 1960’s is they are ‘reconstructions’, meaning that the video footage was destroyed so you are basically listening to a Radio Play with occasional footage and stills, three of the four ‘parts’ of this episode where ‘reconstructions’. That however didn’t really detract from the episode itself. The premise was that The Doctor, Stephen, & Vicki are on a planet where two races are at war while the planet is getting ready to explode. On one side you have the Rill, who aren’t really even seen until the late second part, and their robotic servitors the Chumlies, and on the other side the blond woman warriors of Drahva. There of course are the misunderstandings that abound in classic Who fashion, as well as the way that this episode tries to teach you a ‘lesson’ about appearances not telling the whole story. It’s not a bad episode; it’s just been done, a LOT. It was funny to hear the extras at the beginning explaining why Stephen is such a weak character in this episode being physically pushed around by the Drahvian women warriors, it’s because this episode was written for Barbara & Ian. Stephen was stuck doing the ‘Barbara’ role.

- Mission To The Unknown S03E02 (**** out of 5) HOLY CRAP! This episode, also known as the Dalek Cutaway, is CRAZY! First off there is NO Doctor or Companions in it. It’s all about a group of individuals who have crashed on Kembel, and have found out the Daleks are there and plotting something MASSIVE. The Daleks use these nasty plants called Varga plants where if a thorn nicks you you go homicidally insane and eventually become another Varga plant. Of course one of them is instantly nicked and has to be killed, the other two hold out and try to escape, but realize they are in an impossible position. It’s up to them to warn Earth about the Daleks as they are hunted through the jungle. It’s about as bleak a Doctor Who episode as you’ll see, in fact everyone dies, and dies horribly. The interesting thing is this is merely a set-up for two episodes from now when we get the massive 12-part EPIC ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’. This is all about setting the stage that the Daleks are establishing a power base and making alliances with a slew of nasty baddies from the Outer Galaxies. It was stated that this episode never really got shown in the U.S. because of its downer of an ending and the fact that everyone dies in horrible fashion. Bare in mind it was 1966.

- The Myth Makers S03E03 (**** out of 5) BUT before we can get to ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ we get a four part episode where The Doctor, Stephen, & Vicki find themselves on the plains of Troy during the Trojan War. I was pleasantly surprised by this episode, especially considering it’s all ‘reconstructed’. It isn’t afraid to turn all our preconceived notions of these almost ‘mythological’ characters on their ears. First off the reason Achilles kills Hector is the distraction of the arrival of The Doctor. We get a cocksure religious zealot in Achilles who is convinced that The Doctor is Zeus. Agamemnon is a still a warmongering ass, but the big surprise is Odysseus. Usually, he’s portrayed as a tricky, but noble individual who simply wants to go home. In this episode he’s a mean-spirited opportunist who is just looking for anyway to profit. Eventually we get the inevitable split of the Companions as Vicki and the TARDIS end up in Troy while Stephen & The Doctor are prisoners of Odysseus who wants them to find a way to end the war. I’m sure you can tell where this is heading; The Doctor helps the Greeks build The Trojan Horse. In the end Vicki falls for King Priam’s youngest son Troilus, who was romantically attached to the soothe-sayer Cassandra who wants Vicki dead. One of the best parts is the really funny portrayal of Paris as a man so despised by his own family that he falls for the simplest of plots, oh and the fact we NEVER even see Helen Of Troy. The Fall Of Troy occurs even with Vicki trying her best to prevent it, but she does manage to get Troilus to leave Troy first. There he encounters and kills Achilles. In the end Vicki stays with Troilus after the Fall Of Troy, which shocked the HELL out of me. Instead one of Cassandra’s underlings Katarina is thrust into the role of Companion when she saves a badly wounded Stephen from being killed. The Doctor, Katarina, & Stephen escape just as Odysseus comes to claim the TARDIS. It’s a crazy episode. We lose Vicki, who sort of has a ‘love at first sight’ moment with Troilus, but leaves with little ceremony, she’s just sort of left behind, very reminiscent to the way Susan was left. Stephen is almost dead at the end of the Episode; Katarina is a completely unknown quantity. A Trojan slave on the TARDIS who thinks The Doctor is a god, and The Doctor doesn’t even know where they are going. All this is leading to the next 12-part episode, which you KNOW is going to be ‘Crazy Insane’ because it’s about the Daleks. WHEW! If this had not been a ‘reconstruction’ it would have been a five star episode.

I’m halfway through ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’, and it is AWESOME! I’ll save my review till I’ve finished it, but it’s really solid. You can really see Terry Nation hit his stride as the scribe of The Doctor, and more importantly The Daleks, in this episode. There is an underlying hint of future menace, not to mention all the cool alien ‘allies’ the Daleks have. I can’t wait to see who they EXTERMINATE them. It’s nice to be back into my Who groove.

I hear my TARDIS calling, it’s time for…


- I miss you Anthony.
- The NFL Combine is this week! HOORAY FOOTBALL!
- Big Movie-A-Thon on Friday night. I can’t wait to rip the crap out of these flicks, especially Honey. It just looks SO bad.
- Saturday is Tax Day for us. I’m not looking forward to it.
- Dave, our conversation on Sunday was fantastic. However I just want it noted for the record that I miss you.
- The sickness I’ve been battling is seemingly staggering to its inevitable end, but damn if it’s not lingering stubbornly. I’ve still got a bit of the hack cough, my body aches haven’t subsided, and I’m really tired. All that being said it’s about a million times better than it was.
- On the crappy side of it, while my back pain has gone mostly away, my hips down into my feet are KILLING me. My right hip hurts to the point it’s giving me a ‘dead leg’ walk. I’m hoping if I keep stretching, heating, and talking Ibuprofen that it’ll work the pinch out.
- It’s funny, well not ‘ha ha’ funny how grief and regret will blow into your life at times like a storm, and then as quickly blow back out. How certain things you own, songs, or even things on television will remind you of someone or sometime. I never want to forget, but a lot times I’d like to remember less.
- It’s good to know that L.O.M. loves him some LEGOs. It’s even better to know that the only thing he loves better than having them is playing with them with his Dad.
- It’s funny I’ve just had two very homoerotic ‘miss you’ to my P.L.P.’s, Platonic Life Partners for those that don’t know, in this blog today. The best part about it is, that I’m completely O.K. with it.
- Tuesday nights are going to be for Twin Peaks. Starting tomorrow I’m watching at least one episode every Tuesday. I’ll do write ups as I go. There you go Dave & Mike, I’M WALKING THROUGH THE FIRE!
- Maybe this week I’ll get Cassandra to start a Co-Op Video Game with me. Maybe…

Well I think I’ve blathered on long enough…

“Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you
He knocks you to your feet and so what are you gonna do
Your tongue has frozen now you've got something to say
The piper at the gates of dawn is calling you his way

You watch the world exploding every single night
Dancing in the sun a newborn in the light
Say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death
Hello to eternity and live for every breath

Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come

The ferryman wants his money you ain't going to give it back
He can push his own boat as you set up off the track
Nothing you can contemplate will ever be the same
Every second is a new spark, sets the universe aflame

You watch the world exploding every single night
Dancing in the sun a newborn in the light
Brothers and their fathers joining hands and make a chain
The shadow of the Wicker Man is rising up again

Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come

Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come”

* = It's true he IS!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Speed Vs. Insomnia

* = Thank you Cassandra...

So as I sit here and wait for the end of a crappy week I got lucky enough to have one of my fellow Team Ant contributors on the Board Game Geek dot com site point out that LO & BEHOLD Paizo gave us a preview of Rise Of The Runelords after all, so I'm giving it to you, mainly as a way to murder what time I have left...

So up first is Ameiko. She was first introduced as a tavern owner in this Adventure Path and has since become extremely important in the Pathfinder World. She's the main NPC in the current Adventure Path, Jade Regent. So these are unfinished 'paint masters' this time around. I like this mini. I like it a lot, and I think the main reason is the F'Ning guitar on her back! That's right Ameiko LOVES TO ROCK! Actually, I think she might be the best Bard style mini that's been put out by any company as a pre-paint. And as with all these 'Named' Characters in the set she's an Uncommon.

Next up is Harsk. He's the Iconic Pathfinder Dwarf. Now the mini's pose is quiet static, but again I sort of dig it. In all the Wayne Reynolds illustrations of this character he looks sour, just pissed off, and ready for a serious fight. This miniature hits that on the nose. Just look at the face, it's a seriously fantastic sneer. I wish there was a bit more action in the pose, but again it's an Uncommon, and I'll be picking it up.

Seoni, the Iconic Caster looks solid, but she's missing the tattoos she's normally covered in. In the write up we're re-assured that we'll be getting all of these in the finished product. I like the pose since it's right off the cover of the module, and really don't we have enough Wizard types pointing one finger? I like it, it's an Uncommon, and it'll be mine.

Last, but not least is Shalelu, who is also a NPC in the Rise Of The Runelord's Adventure Path. If I remember correctly she also might appear in a later Adventure Path as well. She's an Elven Ranger who has sort of a conflicted past and a wish to see some closure come of it. I like her place in the Adventure Path so much that I'm sort of trying to slowly bring a similar thread into my own current D&D Campaign. Anywho, about the miniature, it looks alright. Actually, out of these four she's the one I care for the least. I like the color, but the pose does little for me. She's another Elven Ranger type, nothing really stands out to me.

So there you have it, four blogs in one week, two in one day. NOW I'm officially done this week...

* = Duke Silver/Ron Swanson > Batman/Bruce Wayne? Show your work...

The Notebook Vs. Battle Royale

* = I agree with this. I really, REALLY agree with this...

Normally I wouldn’t be doing any blogging today, because I would be SO busy with the place that pays my bills. However this week has been one of fortuitous cancellations and no shows, so I instead find myself working to fill time until we escape into the wilds of the weekend. Looking back I realize a few things; 1) two of the last three blogs have been politics heavy & 2) I’ve been a bit heavy handed on some things.

The first thing I want to make sure I get across is that I have absolutely NO issue with being incorrect. When I am I usually try to apologize and move on. I am not a fan though of when I go into hyperbole laced diatribes. I think I grazed into that category yesterday and I’m sorry. I’m just happy that I have friends, i.e. Heidi, that is there to bring my big mouth back to some semblance of reality.

When you’re passionate about things, and lets be fair I’m a Geek so I’m passionate about EVERYTHING, we tend to get a little overblown in our own opinions. I think everything I wrote the other day had merit; I just think that it also is a ‘nice’ first draft. It would need revision; it’s still how I feel it’s just really raw. That’s the thing with this blog, it’s stream of consciousness. I try very hard not to edit for content, now I will edit to get the damn pictures to work. The reason I write is to get the voices in my head to stop screaming. In all seriousness though, it’s to collect my thoughts cohesively. I like to write, it’s easier for me than speaking, and it’s a safer place to talk about feelings, thoughts, and possibility. In person it’s far to easy for me to rely on snarkiness, humor, and the crutch of poor behavior. When I blog I can do so unfettered, it’s not a conversation it’s a dissertation or a presentation of spontaneity.

This ‘place’ gets to be a receptacle for all the things that march through my mind, so it’s strangely enough a mental snapshot of how I am. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, it just is. You know if you read this then I think you understand that. I’m not sure if it interests you, in the way we like to watch accidents, or I interest you, which surprises even me, or it’s just something to read, any way you slice it I appreciate that you do. I hope it makes you think, I hope you comment, and more than anything I hope it helps you to want to express your own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.

Enough of that. So since it’s been sort of ‘heavy’ the last few blogs I decided to lighten it up a bit with a list…


10) The End Of The Election Cycle – I won’t get into detail, but I’m ready for this to be done on SO many levels.

9) John Carter Edgar Rice Burroughs’ ‘Princess Of Mars’ was the first ‘Real’ book I ever read. Since then I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for John Carter and the Barsoom books. To see what you imagined in your mind in grade school materialize on the big screen in your adult life is just magical. I will go see this flick in the theatre, and if the trailers are any indications, I will love it.

8) The Next D&D Session – I was pleasantly surprised with the last D&D Session. I’m now morally obligated to step up my game to meet the gauntlet that my players through down. I’m excited to get them back at the table and challenge them in a different way this time, while still having it be fun, still moving the over arcing story along, and more than anything giving us all something to enjoy.

7) The Rise Of The Runelords Minis Set – With the new D&D Skirmish Game being seriously underwhelming thus far and all the Friday pics Paizo give us I’m really stoked, yes I did just use that word, about the minis in this set. I’m still slowly, but surely getting all the minis in the first set that I liked, and I’ll be doing the same with this second set. Thus far though I’m just really taken with some of the Commons, like two of the Stone Giants & the Denizen Of Leng, and that really makes my budget excited as well. Now if only the Paizo blog posted it’s preview sometime today.

6) Summer MoviesThe Avengers, the new Batman flick, Prometheus, etc. This will be one of the first times in a LONG time I can see myself spending some serious cash to see flicks in a theatre. It’s a good time to love genre films.

5) Basement Remodeling Being Done - Once the shelving and the bookshelves are done in the office there is no reason for that room to continue to look like the car wreck it currently does. I think as soon as we see where we are money wise we’ll know about the finishing of the rest of it. It’s a daunting task; well at least for me, as I’m as ‘handy’ as a monkey banging two rocks together. I really want this done so. It’ll help keep the basement a constant temperature; it’ll open up the basement living room, it’ll allow us to move all the shot glasses, beer glasses, & alcohol to the Bar area, it’ll put the long term plans one step closer to fruition, and overall it’ll make that part of the house much more inviting.

4) The Summer Sci-Fi War – Last year it just didn’t happen. Mike and I just couldn’t seem to get on the same page. He’s a busy guy, and I tend to plan out WAY in advance. So this year we’re playing, and I think Dave’s in as well. I’ll need to find some sort of Battle Mat for the tabletop, but I’ve got the terrain, the minis, and the desire to kill my enemies. I really hope we can play a few times this summer and turn it into a regular ‘thang’.

3) Fairly Secret Army III‘We Miss The Cold War’ is phenomenal. It’s up on band camp if you didn’t know. I’ve been awaiting the nextDave Musical Project’ now for a while; this appears to be what’s next on the ‘finished’ list. I’ve heard bits and pieces, but so far have been somewhat in the dark on it, which is strange for me because I’m usually hearing it all as it’s being recorded. That lack of ‘info’ has just served to make me even more eager to hear this thing.

2) New Doctor Who – With the new ‘mini’ season being the end of Rory & Amy as companions and the promise of some serious changes coming out of the end of last season I have absolutely NO idea what to expect. Some folks haven’t enjoyed Matt Smith as The Doctor or ‘The Moff’ as the Show Runner; I think those folks are F’Ning INSANE. Almost every episode has left me wanting more, and knowing I’m going to have to wait till later in the year is almost unbearable.

1) NFL Draft – Sure we’ve got March Madness to tide us over, but I’ve come to the conclusion that all sports pale in comparison to my love of the NFL. I enjoy college basketball and football, I am enamored with MMA, and I can tolerate the NBA in the playoffs. I fiend for the NFL. The combine next week is that first step to the Draft, and the Draft is the day that ALL teams sell the future, they sell hope. I’m hopeful for next year, and the Draft will be a good spot to tell me just how hopeful I should be.

How ‘bout some…


- I now have till the end of March to get my next D&D session finalized. I’ve got a list of things I’d like to do, and now I just need to narrow them down to something coherent. Pig-Faced Orcs, Kuo-Toa, (By the by I LOVE this picture) Derro, ancient shrines to long dead gods, and the Dwarf King’s Trade Road through the Underdark that leads to the Monastery of Erathis. Possibilities abound.

- Cherry M&M’s are the bomb.
- It sounds as if tomorrow will be a day of cleaning and watching stuff of the DVR with Cassandra. I have to admit I am SO looking forward to this. There are few things I enjoy more in this world than just hanging out with my wife.
- Dave, I want to play a game of Small World ASAP.
- It sounds as if I’m going to be getting chili this weekend. I have to say that this really sets my heart all a flutter. I love chili, I LOVE IT. I especially adore it after a week or so of being sick, hacking, and coughing through food that has been tasteless due to this cold. I want, NAY NEED, that strong, fiery, robust flavor to sort of reawaken my pallet after it’s slumber.
- This weekend I have to hit up two Half-Priced Books as I have a 40% off coupon to use.
- The next time we enter the confines of Sam’s Club I’m thinking that I again need to get my mitts on another huge Pork Loin. Not only for the amazing ‘Lee’ sandwich, but also for my desire to make Wiener schnitzel from it. Now I’ve never made this dish, but I desire to. I want to do this with a side of spaetzle, maybe a bit of cabage. I think this could be an outstanding meal.
- This Saturday I’m going to knock out Ally Cards for Fell’s Five, from the D&D Comic series for the D&D Adventure System. I know I’ve pointed it out numerous times, but if you dig on comics and you aren’t reading IDW’s D&D Comic then there is something wrong with you. John Rogers has crafted a really FUN book that flies by.
The action is strong, the one-liners are almost 80’s Action Movie worthy, and the characters are really perfect. Of all the comics I read, well beyond the beauty and wonder of The Guilded Age, it’s the single periodical I look forward to most. Anywho, if I’m VERY productive I might start that run of generic Encounter Cards as well.

- Sunday I’m grilling.
- Ron Swanson was SPECTACULAR last night.

On that note I’m done with this clown show for the week…

“I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
'Cause at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be that there's some sort of an error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream?

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying?
After all I am not afraid of dying
Don't I believe that there never is an end?

As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul 'cause it's willing to fly away

Mark my words believe my soul lives on
Don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to seek the truth

When you know that your time is close at hand
Maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Hallowed be Thy name
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Hallowed be Thy name”

* = "When Duke Silver picked up his first saxophone, a love-bond formed between man and instrument, and he hasn't stopped blowing since. 'Jazz sax,' Duke says, 'is a connection to the heavens. Human breath enters, and Angel breath leaves.' Inspired by the great musicians – Coltrane, Getz, Foreigner – Duke set out to establish a new standard of jazz. This wave has taken the entire world by storm. Duke has taken residence at Cozy's Bar in Eagleton, Indiana, playing monthly performances for packed, mature crowds. As Duke always says, 'Come love with me… and maybe we can walk through fire together.'"